Kaamini Chaudhary
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


Marketing is about People

When people live in poverty it is hard for them to imagine what shopping feels like or the pleasure it gives to the more fortunate people. To go shopping is to take a risk. We risk time and money looking for a new thing, that might be great and we are able to take that risk because being wrong isn’t fatal, being wrong doesn’t cost dinner or a medical checkup. But it’s not helpful to imagine that everyone knows what you know, wants what you want, believes what you believe. If it’s not working it’s arrogant to insist on it. The way we make things better is by caring enough about those we serve to imagine the story that they need to hear. We need to be generous enough to share that story, so they can take action that they’ll be proud of.

Marketing isn’t a race to add more features for less money. Marketing is our quest to make change on behalf of those we serve and we do it by understanding the irrational forces that drive each of us.

What people want is satisfaction of knowing they did it themselves, Increase in status, peace of mind, To feel safe and respected.

People don’t want what you make, they want what it will do for them. They want the way it will make them feel. Focus on tactics not the outcomes. Who’s it for? What’s it for?

Tell stories Stories that resonate and hold up over time. Stories that are true, because we made them true with our actions and our products and our services. Make connections Humans are lonely, they want to be seen and known. People want to be part of something. It’s safer that way and often more fun. Create Experiences that builds connection. offer these experiences with intent, doing them on purpose.

Every organization is driven by a Primary driving force. Some are tech-driven (tech companies),money-driven(Investment firms). Be market-driven — hear the market, influence it, bend it, make it better. The hopes dreams of your customers, their frustrations invest in changing them. Being market-driven lasts.

